Annual Report 2018 | September 2019
This is a publication of the Dutch Banking Sector Agreement. The agreement is a coalition of banks, the Dutch Banking Association (NVB), trade unions, civil society organisations (CSOs), and the Dutch Government. They aim to work towards a situation in which human rights are respected.
Final Editing
Maryse Hazelzet (NVB), Fred Polhout (FNV), Roel Rotshuizen (CNV), Karen Vermeer (PAX for Peace), Tessel van Westen (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Wilke de Boer (SER), Marieke Ruijgrok (SER), Maarten Uri (SER).
Tom Collinridge
Shutterstock, Dirk Hol
Lay Out
Robby Gajadien (SER), Riccardo van der Does (SER), H5mag
Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER)
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The Netherlands
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